Author Archives: admin

Friday 201106

November 6th, 2020

3 Rounds for time
5 power cleans, 185/125
5 bench press, 185/125
1:1 work rest ratio

Note: Record time to log.

Boot Camp
Partners complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of
100 meter run or row
10 Bench press / Chest fly
10 sit-ups
*You Go I Go
-Rest 3 minutes
Partners complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of
100 meter run or row
10 Dumbbell Skull Crusher
10 Russian twist
*You Go I Go

Thursday 201105

November 5th, 2020

Partners AMRAP in 10 minutes
Row for max calories
*Partner holds kettlebell under chin, 53/35 lb. KB
*Switch every minute until time is complete

Note: Record total calories to log. Then do Accessory work

Boot Camp
AMRAP 3 minutes x 3 sets
5 Med-Ball cleans
10 Dumbbell clean and press
25 jump rope after each round
*Start new round where you left off
*Rest 1 minute B/T sets
-Rest 3 minutes-
AMRAP 3 minutes x 3 sets
5 Med-Ball cleans
10 Hammer curls
25 jump rope
*Start new round where you left off
*Rest 1 minute B/T sets

Wednesday 201104

November 4th, 2020

Shoulder press: 5 reps x 5 sets @ 75-80% of 1RM
*Perform a set every 2 minutes

Partners complete 6 rounds each for time
15/12 cal Assault bike
10 chest to bar pull-ups
*You Go I Go

Note: Record time to log

Tuesday 201103

November 3rd, 2020

Hang Squat Snatch: 2 reps x 10 sets @75% of 1RM
*Perform a set every minute

Complete 5 rounds for time
9 doubbell thrusters, 50/35 lb. dumbbells
45 double-unders
9 burpee box get-overs, 30/24 inch box

Note: Record time to log

Boot Camp
Partners AMRAP 20 minutes
10 cal Assault Bike
10 DB bench press
10 Ring-row / pull-up
*Leap Frog Rotation

Saturday 201031

October 31st, 2020

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
• 1 mile Run
• 100 Pull-ups
• 200 Push-ups
• 300 Squats
• 1 mile Run

Friday 201030

October 30th, 2020

Hang Clean and Jerk: 2+1
2 Hang cleans + 1 jerk @ 70% of 1RM
*Perform a set every minute for 10 minutes

As many rounds in 15 minutes
90 wall-ball shots, 20/15 lb. ball
600 meter run
30 deadlifts, 225/155 lb.
*Partner option!

Note: Record rounds/reps to log

Boot Camp
5 Rounds
1 min: Wall-ball shots
1 min: Sled push
1 min: Sumo deadlift
Run or row 200 meters

Thursday 201029

October 29th, 2020

5 Rounds for Max reps
1 minute: Max kettlebell swings, 1.5/1 pood
1 minute: Sit-ups
1 minute: Double unders
Rest 1 minute

Note: Record reps to log

Boot Camp
5 Rounds for Max reps
1 minute: Max kettlebell swings
1 minute: Sit-ups
1 minute: Jump Rope
Rest 1 minute

Wednesday 201028

October 28th, 2020

Bench press: 3 reps x 10 sets @ 70-80% of 1rm

8 Rounds For Time
200 meter run
4 squat Snatch, 155/105 lb.
8 burpee over bar
*20 minute time cap

Note: Record time to log

Tuesday 201027

October 27th, 2020

For Time
21-18-15-12-9 reps of
Handstand push-ups

Note: Record time to log

Boot Camp
Teams of 2
Complete as many reps in 7 minutes of
Max bench press, increase weight every 50 reps
Max cal row
Rest 2 minutes
Complete as many reps in 7 minutes of
Max weighted box step-ups, increase weight every 50 reps
Max cal row
Rest 2 minutes
Complete as many reps in 7 minutes of
Max DB curl and press, increase weight every 50 reps
Max cal row
*Partner A Performs reps, Partner B rows for cal’s Rotate however desired

Monday 201026

October 26th, 2020

Box Back Squat: 3 reps x 10 sets @ 70-80% of 1rm

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
200 meter run
15 sit-ups, GHD or ABMAT
15 toes to bar

Note: Record total rounds/reps to log

Boot Camp
AMRAP 10 minutes
200 meter run or row
15 sit-ups
15 Goblet squats
Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 8 minutes
100 meter run or row
15 candle stick levers
15 KB sumo deadlift high-pull

Saturday 201024

October 24th, 2020

Partners complete as many rounds in 15 minutes
15/12 cal Assault bike
100 ft. weighted lunge walk, 53’s/35’s
20 sit-ups

-Rest 5 minutes then

Snatch: 1 rep max for the day
Clean and jerk: 1 rep max for the day

Note: Record total reps to log

Friday 201023

October 23rd, 2020

Deadlift: 5-3-1+

For time
100 double unders
50 dumbbell step-ups, 50/35 lb. DB, 24/40 inch box
100 double unders
50 burpee pull-ups
100 double unders

Note: Record time to log

Boot Camp
Alternating Tabata
Bench press / Skull Crusher
-Rest 1 min

Alternating Tabata
Tarantula squats / Wall sit
-Rest 1 minute
Alternating Tabata
Sit-up / Plank
-Rest 1 minute
Alternating Tabata
Flyes / Lat raises

Rest 3 min

AMRAP 8 minutes
10 wall-ball shots
50 m run

Thursday 201022

October 21st, 2020

Partners complete for time
Row 2000 meter (250 m increments)
Partner holds barbell with double overhand grip behind back, 135/95 lb.
-Straight into-
Run 1 mile (200 m increments)
Partner holds barbell with double overhand grip behind back, 135/95 lb.

Note: Record time to log.

Boot Camp
AMRAP 20 minutes
100 meter run or row
10 weighted box step-ups
100 meter Waiters walk, 50m left / 50m right
10 kettlebell swings

Wednesday 201021

October 20th, 2020

Bench press: 5-3-1+ reps

For time
27-21-15-9-3 reps of
Toes to bar
Wall-Ball shots, 30/20 lb. ball

Note: Record time to log

Tuesday 201020

October 19th, 2020

3 Rounds for time of
800 meter run
50 Alt 1-Arm dumbbell hang clean and jerk
50 ABMAT sit-ups
*30 minute time cap

Note: Record time to log

Boot Camp
Partners complete as many rounds in 20 minutes
10 cal Assault bike
12 wall-ball shots
14 candlestick levers
*Leap Frog Rotation!

Monday 201019

October 18th, 2020

Back Squat: 5-3-1+ reps

As many reps in 10 minutes
3-6-9-12… reps of
Devils press, 50’s/35’s lb. DB’s
10 box jump overs, 24/20 inch box

Note: Record total reps to log

Boot Camp
As many rounds in 20 minutes
7 push-ups
7 DB thrusters
7 tuck-ups
7 KB sumo deadlift high-pull
7 half burpees
7 KB swings
7 ring-row / pull-up

Friday 201016

October 16th, 2020

Deadlift: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
*Work up to a Heavy 2 rep in 7 sets

6 Rounds for max reps
1 minute Assault bike cal.
1 minute double unders
1 minute ABS, Athlete choice
1 minute rest

Note: Record total reps for each round to log

Boot Camp
3 Rounds
1 minute Assault bike
1 minute jump rope
1 minute kettlebell swings
1 minute rest
Then 3 rounds
1 minute Assault bike
1 minute jump rope
1minute kettlebell sumo deadlift high-pull
1 minute rest

Thursday 201015

October 14th, 2020

Complete 3-4 sets
Tempo weighted pull-ups, 5-10 reps (2 sec hold at the top / 3 sec descent)
Dumbbell rows, 10 reps L/R
Dips, 10-15 reps
Curls, 10 reps
Weighted hip extension, 10 reps with 3 sec pause at the top
*Start at the top and work down the list

Note: Quality of movement is the focus

Boot Camp
Partners complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of
100 meter run
10 Dumbbell hammer curls
5 Tarantula squats
10 sit-ups
*You Go I Go

Wednesday 201014

October 14th, 2020

Bench press: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
*Work up to a Heavy 2 rep in 7 sets

For time
4 Rounds
300 meter run
30 air squats
-Straight into-
4 Rounds
200 meter run
20 push-ups

Note: Record time to log

Tuesday 201013

October 13th, 2020

As many rounds in 20 minutes
21 deadlift, 185/125 lb.
12 burpees over bar
6 bar muscle-ups

Note: Record rounds/reps to log

AMRAP 8 minutes
10 ring-row / pull-up
1 min plank
100 meter farmer carry
-Rest 3 minutes
AMRAP 8 minutes
100 meter farmer carry
1 min hollow hold
10 Lat Raises