
Wednesday 201230

December 29th, 2020

3 Position squat clean: 5 sets x 3 reps
1 rep from Hang + 1 rep from Below Knee + 1 rep from Floor = 1 set
*Try and increase weight through the 5 sets, and don’t drop the bar between positions

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
First complete 2 rounds of
25 burpee box jump overs, 24/20 inch box
50/40 cal Assault bike
25 cleans, 135/95 lb. sit-ups, GHD or ABMAT
-Then with remaining time
Max Reps: Weighted sit-ups, 10/5 lb. plate
*Partner Option

Note: Record time and reps to log.

Thursday 201224

December 24th, 2020

Ugly Sweater 12 Days of CrossFit
For Time
100 meter run
2 Thruster, 135/95 lb.
3 Hang power cleans, 135/95 lb.
4 Deadlifts, 135/95 lb.
5 Burpees
6 Box jump overs, 24/20 inch box
7 Handstand Push-ups / Push-ups
8 Lunge steps
9 Bent over rows, 135/95 lb.
10 sit-ups
11 Wall-Ball shots, 20/14 lb. ball
12 Cal Assault bike or 12 oz Beer!

*Do 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1…

Monday 201123

November 24th, 2020

Clean and Jerk 10 sets x 3 reps @ 75% 1RM clean & jerk
1 Power clean + 1 Hang squat clean + 1 clean and jerk = 1 set
*Perform a set every 90 sec.

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
200 meter run
15 sit-ups, GHD or ABMAT
15 toes to bar

Note: Record total rounds/reps to log

Wednesday 201104

November 4th, 2020

Shoulder press: 5 reps x 5 sets @ 75-80% of 1RM
*Perform a set every 2 minutes

Partners complete 6 rounds each for time
15/12 cal Assault bike
10 chest to bar pull-ups
*You Go I Go

Note: Record time to log

Hello world!

August 17th, 2020

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